The State of Black Progress - Encounter Books

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The State of Black Progress

Confronting Government and Judicial Obstacles

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Publication Details

Hardcover / 360 pages
ISBN: 9781641773416
AVAILABLE: 3/19/2024

The State of Black Progress
Confronting Government and Judicial Obstacles

Black Americans have arguably arrived at the height of their cultural prominence. In politics, entertainment, academia, and nearly every sphere of influence, “black issues” dominate the national discussion. Yet many black Americans are suffering more than ever from the blight of poverty, physical and mental health struggles, lack of opportunity, and failing schools. How do these signs of success on the surface coexist with social stagnation on the ground in the black community?

This edited volume, sponsored by the Center for Urban Renewal and Education and featuring contributions from W.B. Allen, Judge Janice Rogers Brown (ret.), Ian Rowe, Sally Pipes, Stephen Moore, and others, addresses this question in light of American values and the history of constitutional jurisprudence. In the 1860s, black America was promised emancipation but continued to experience subjugation. In the 1960s, black America was promised equality but was frequently exploited. Racial discrimination played a role, but in the intervening decades misguided progressive policies and the normalization of victimhood rhetoric has proven even more disastrous. By failing to live up to American ideals, our nation denied many black Americans their chance at the American Dream.

The scholars and luminaries who contributed to this volume believe that what has been lost can be recovered. If our nation recognizes the history of our current predicament, embraces the founding principles that made America an economic powerhouse, and commits to an agenda of empowering fiscal, educational, and faith and family affirming policies, then black Americans can overcome the obstacles that most hamper progress in their communities.

About the Author

The Center for Urban Renewal and Education (CURE) is a public policy institute devoted to developing and promulgating policy solutions focused on America’s distressed zip codes.

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In the 1860s, black America was promised emancipation but continued to experience subjugation. In the 1960s, black America was promised equality but was frequently exploited. Racial discrimination played a role, but misguided progressive policies and reparationist ideology played a bigger one. By failing to live up to American ideals, our nation undermined the opportunity for many black Americans to realize the American Dream.

Black Americans have now arrived at the height of their cultural prominence. In politics, entertainment, academics, and nearly every sphere of influence, “black issues” dominate the discussion. Yet the average black American is suffering worse than ever from the blight of poverty, physical and mental health struggles, lack of opportunity, and failing schools. Anti-American sentiment and societal resentment are at an all-time high.

The Center for Urban Renewal and Education (CURE) has partnered with scholars and luminaries who believe that what has been lost can be recovered. If our nation recognizes the history of our current predicament, embraces America’s founding principles that made her an economic powerhouse, and commits to a program of restorative fiscal, education, and social welfare policies, black Americans can overcome the struggles that most impact their communities.