Rick Richman - Encounter Books

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Rick Richman

Rick Richman

RICK RICHMAN graduated with honors from Harvard College and NYU Law School. He has written for Commentary, The Jewish Press, Mosaic Magazine, The New York Sun, PJ Media, The Tower Magazine, and his own blog, Jewish Current Issues, created in 2003. He wrote the chapter on Louis Brandeis in What America Owes the Jews, What Jews Owe America (Mosaic Books: 2016) and appeared in the documentary film, “Body and Soul: The State of the Jewish Nation” (DocEmet Productions: 2014). He is a member of the Board of Directors of American Jewish University in Los Angeles and in 2016 received Sinai Temple’s Burning Bush Award for leadership and service to the Jewish community in America and Israel.

Titles by this Author

  • Rick Richman

    Americanism, with freedom and democracy at its core, and Zionism, the movement to create a free and democratic Jewish state, were the two most successful “isms” of the twentieth century. Their adversaries—communism, fascism, and antisemitism—murdered tens of millions. The stories of some of the leaders of the two triumphant movements, however, have in some cases not yet received their full recognition.

    This book presents eight individuals—four born or raised in Europe, four in America—whose lives and achievements illustrate the intellectual and social revolutions that Americanism and Zionism brought into the world.

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  • Rick Richman

    Racing Against History is the untold story of three powerful personalities who sought to turn the tide of history. In 1940, David Ben-Gurion, Vladimir Jabotinsky, and Chaim Weizmann—the leaders of the left, right, and center of Zionism—undertook separate missions to America to seek support for a Jewish army to fight Hitler.

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