A Tyranny for the Good of its Victims - Encounter Books

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A Tyranny for the Good of its Victims

The Ugly Truth about Stakeholder Capitalism

Available 1/7/2025

Publication Details

Hardcover / 272 pages
ISBN: 9781641774154
Available: 1/7/2025

Coming Soon
A Tyranny for the Good of its Victims
The Ugly Truth about Stakeholder Capitalism

A Tyranny for the Good of its Victims exposes how massive financial firms are employing so-called Stakeholder Capitalism to advance a collectivist “ESG” agenda shrouded in a thin veneer of post-modern morality and collective responsibility. By investing other peoples’ money, asset manager mega-giants BlackRock, State Street and Vanguard have accumulated unprecedented levels of stock ownership in virtually every major US company. Because they vote the shares they hold for others, this massive share ownership empowers them to force their “environmental, social and governance” or “ESG” agenda on the American corporate sector and, by extension, on all of us. Although their traditional duty is to maximize returns for their investor/clients, these financial elites rely on so-called “Stakeholder Capitalism” to expand their duties and impose their preferred ESG goals under the guise of benefitting an amorphous group of non-investors. This elitist dominated economic system is nothing more than Socialism in sheep’s clothing and ESG defines its champagne socialist agenda – an agenda only the rich could afford that would devastate the poor and impoverish working- and middle-classes globally. In the face of rising opposition to this 21st century collectivist threat, these financial elites are now endeavoring to change the names they use to conceal their intent, abandoning the acronym “ESG” but not its goals as they endeavor to transform our consumer driven free market economy to one that is subject to their elitist demands, overriding the will of the people who they deem incapable of governing themselves.

About the Author

Andrew F. Puzder is a Senior Fellow at the Pepperdine School of Public Policy.  He is the former CEO of CKE Restaurants, Inc. and was President Trump first nominee for Secretary of Labor.

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