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An Excerpt from The World’s Medicine Chest
This “urgently important book” (Chimerinsky) promises to revolutionize thinking about one of the most important yet often overlooked developments in our age of increasingly cataclysmic threats accompanied by increasingly ineffective, yet dangerously intrusive, tools to predict and prevent these threats.
Alan Dershowitz has been teaching, writing and litigating about law and policy for more than 60 years. He has written 55 books and more than 1000 articles. Many of today’s leaders around the world are among the 10,000 students he has taught. He has represented and advised presidents, prime ministers, and business leaders.
A continuation of Harry Jaffa’s New Birth of Freedom (2000) which takes into account the latest developments in his political philosophy as they bear on the interpretation of the Gettysburg Address and the Second Inaugural.
The United States in Crisis: Citizenship, Immigration, and the Nation State argues that to preserve our freedom Americans must mount a defense of the nation state against the progressive forces who advocate for global government. The Founders of America were convinced that freedom would flourish only in a nation state. A nation state is a collection of citizens who share a commitment to the same principles. Today, the nation state is under attack by the progressive Left, who allege that it is the source of almost every evil in the world.
Madison Marino Doan is a senior research associate in the Center for Education Policy at The Heritage Foundation.
Rachel Alexander Cambre teaches for Belmont Abbey College’s new Master of Arts in Classical and Liberal Education program.
Adam Kissel is a visiting fellow for higher education reform in the Center for Education Policy at The Heritage Foundation.
Ivy League universities can no longer be trusted to produce well-educated students. In Slacking, Adam Kissel, Rachel Alexander Cambre, and Madison Marino Doan dedicate one chapter to each of the Ivy League colleges, providing specific information about the courses, content, and core requirements that serious students need to succeed at each one.
An Excerpt from A Tyranny for the Good of its Victims
Dr. Gregory Roper is Associate Professor of English and, since 2021, Dean of Students at the University of Dallas.
Based on 30 years of his award-winning teaching of writing, Dr. Gregory Roper shows how you can use the nearly-forgotten ancient technique of Stasis Theory to build better, cleaner, more persuasive prose.
Author of Evolution in Science: California Dreaming to America Awakening
Daniel J. Flynn, a senior editor with The American Spectator, has authored seven books, and his articles have appeared in the Wall Street Journal, Boston Globe, Los Angeles Times, Chicago Tribune, and City Journal.
This book is not a curriculum. It is, however, a list of “those things from mathematics you should have learned but probably didn’t.” The theorems and proofs in this book represent, in a small way, some of the best that has been said within the discipline of mathematics.