The Nature of Things Fragile - Encounter Books

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The Nature of Things Fragile

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Publication Details

Hardcover / 88 pages
ISBN: 9781641773652
AVAILABLE: 2/13/2024

The Nature of Things Fragile

In his debut poetry collection, The Nature of Things Fragile, Peter Vertacnik depicts a world fraught with vulnerability and loss. Utilizing a wide range of both received and nonce poetic forms, including sonnets, villanelles, triolets, a sestina, epigrams, blank verse, and word-count, he confronts the illnesses and deaths of loved ones, both recent and long past (“Face Value,” “Odd Elegy,” “Trace,”); the memories of old houses and towns left behind (“Departure,” Sugar Beets,” “Mourning Doves”); and the vanishing of once-ubiquitous analog particulars (“Apology to Candles,” “Dial Tone,” “In Praise of Blank Cassettes”). It is indeed a book of elegies, but one that also celebrates the people, places, and things it laments, preserving their names and details while laying them to rest.

The Nature of Things Fragile is the winner of the twenty-third New Criterion Poetry Prize.

About the Author

PETER VERTACNIK is the winner of The New Criterion Poetry Prize, 2023-2024.

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